has been a loooong time since I posted on here. So much has happened it is hard to know
where to start. We got through the holidays. I got some great advice and added new traditions while still keeping old ones.
I had everyone who wanted to come and help me decorate. They all brought ornaments that reminded them of Brian. Really amazing expressions of the love they had for the one and only Briguy and for me and Aaron and Rachel.
We will do that again every year and this year there are two festivals where we will have memorial trees.
It was beautiful to see all those people who loved Brian and continue to support us on our journey without him.
I hosted Turkey Day with Brian's family. It was good to be busy all day. |
It was tough but I did it because I love that tree and city and so did Brian. My Sister and my BFF made it possible. Without them I would not have gone. 
So the walk has been juggling lots of stuff. In addition I started a weight loss program and I am down 47 lbs from that picture of me right up there. Lots of good stuff...and in that is the hardest thing of all...feeling that it is okay to feel good and proud of the life I am eeking out for the kids and myself. Having to look back on 6mos I guess I have accomplished a lot. I hope Brian is okay with it all. I want his approval. I want him to come in the living room and help me make my decisions. Doing it without him is both rewarding and sad at the same time. I have lots of people to share it all with but not the one who I want to share it with the most. I guess this is the way the walk goes. More to come...promise to keep up with this better now.