Tuesday, July 12, 2011


A good friend of mine died a few years back and her two closest friends have spoken of her "visitations" from time to time especially when they are together in her old house. I always thought that was cool and wondered if I would ever experience stuff like that with Brian now gone. Well I am going to share the ones I have experienced so far.  They are not him coming to me in dreams(although I did have one dream experience early on that will warrant its on blog another time). These visits are not  psychic feelings I get that he is around. Many would dismiss it all as utter coincidence but it would mean that never in my life have I experienced coincidence on this scale. I choose to be open to the fact that it is Brian's way of saying...you are doing a good job handling everything...I'm still with you guys.

Visit 1:
I took our car to be serviced a couple of weeks after the Funeral and the whole time I was with the service advisor they were calling for a Brian over the loudspeaker.  The service guy gave me the paper to sign and it was Brian Levesque's account but not my Brian. It was the account of another Brian Levesque and...get this...  one who lives right near his father which is also where he fell from the roof,  I took that as a pat on the back from Bri because I never liked giving up my car to get oil changed. He was proud of how I was taking one of his jobs seriously.

Visit 2:
My son made his 1st communion and rec'd some money as gifts. After a few busy weekends I finally decided to take him to the bank to learn about opening an account etc.  After debating on which bank I would use I went with my current one so I could link all the accounts for easy transfers. I sat down with the customer service rep and talking to her mentioned that I was a widow...blah blah blah.  She looked into my account info and then sat back in surprise and said to me "Oh my goodness, I read your husband's obituary."  "Really?" I replied. It had been a about 4 months  so I was curious why she would remember.   "My whole family did. My cousin has the same name as your husband." Then she said "He lives in Rumford." Rumford is a section of the town we live in. I shook my said, looked at her and said "Well then...he is here right now, isn't he?" I related the story of the oil change to her and she got goosebumps. He was glad I finally got that money in the bank for Aaron!

Visit 3:
After a horrible day dealing with the cemetery and their awful rules(another blog entry all its own) I was beat and decided to take the kids out to eat.  We debated about where to go and then suddenly my son insisted that we had to go to Friendly's. I said fine because I was tired of them arguing.  When we walked in we ran into Brian's cousin, an older woman named Dot who is a former nun and who runs grief retreats and support groups for various Catholic agencies.  She is a peach and since she was done with her friend she asked if she could sit with us. It was exactly what I needed. Someone who knew and remembered when the rules went into effect all the widows who were up in arms back then.  Brian knew I needed that ear and that wisdom.

Visit 4:
4th of July. Our good friends do a big fireworks display and before we had kids Brian was one of the crew doing the lighting's.  I had some of the last fireworks Brian had bought last year to light off in his honor on the 4th. It was just salutes and so I threw them in the fire pit where the display had been the night before. The fire was weak and they didn't go off. I saved some for his friend Dave to light. Our friend Jesse told me they had dedicated the display the night before to Brian and the little program he made up had a wonderful tribute that made me start to cry.  The two guys there hugged me and apologized for making me cry and then we chatted a little about the Briguy. We all turned around and looked towards the fire pit...at that moment the salutes went off!  Yup...he was there with the boys and letting us know it.

Coincidences???Widow wishes???  I take them all in stride and thank him for keeping me looking for him in all we do. Miss you too Brian!